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Welcome to our blog post. Here our intention is to offer you some small little special things about Prague that you will not always find in your regular tourist guide. Even if our focus will be on the local music and the everyday life in Prague, you will find some small things that’s outside our normal supply. So stay in touch, we promise to update the blog in a very regular irregular way! 🙂
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(Black and White photo by Urzula Las) Michelle Nicolle fulfills the expectations I will not repeat myself from the last time, I’ll just state that...
The Sophisticated Lady from Australia Bastion Prague last night, Michelle Nicolle – voc; Ronny Ferrella – dr; Libor Šmoldas – g; Tomáš Baroš – b. Four...
Time to start recording… Take your favorite song, learn it really well, so good that if somebody wakes you up in the middle of the night, you can...
Petra Vlková and Sonic Playground goes recording It’s an early morning hour in Svárov, a village about 20 km. from Prague. From Wikipedia we can...
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