the prague special

The spring brings the wind of changes on our website! Of course the observant has already noticed that we are done with our multi language pages, if you need a translation use the language selector on the top of the page. The translation is made mechanically. If there’s a need for more languages, send us a message and we will add new ones.
We will still be a little different blog for you to find something special you normally don’t get in your everyday tourist guide. But we are starting to focus more on the music, the people and the everyday life in our beautiful city. You’ll find out more in the news blog if you click the link HERE! 

Latest articles
The Show Must Go On
Petra Vlková, Jaroslav Šindler, Alexei Bondarev @ U Staré paní 18.7.2024 Things don’t always work out the way one had planned, and it’s not always even bad. Yesterday at...
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Suwalki Blues 2024 Day 3
Breakfast Blues Slovakian way! 🙂 Today’s breakfast blues are eaten, and I think the kitchen will have no complaints today! What a menu, Rene Lacko & Downtown probably knows...
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Suwalki Blues 2024 Day 2
The traditional Blues Breakfast and an update of the rest of the day! We are back in business! The sun is shining and nobody remembers the thunderstorms anymore. 🙂 And even if some...
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the photo galleries

Our galleries are changing/growing all the time. You can stay updated by visiting frequently. When you find something you need/want, call us, or use the contact form to get in touch. If not, just enjoy the pictures.You get to the galleries here. Click Me!

Your Web Designer

Websites, no longer the property of companies, even if you need one as an entrepreneur, if nothing else, then for the credibility of your company. But sports clubs, teater associations and so on, even private persons use them today. So why not you? Step inside and learn how…     

We love to hear from you

Questions, opinions, requests, something else? No matter what, get in touch. Use the link and fill out our contact form, we normally replay within 24 hrs. Or you can of course just call use if you don’t like to write, it’s up to you…