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 Welcome to our blog post. Here our intention is to offer you some small little special things about Prague that you will not always find in your regular tourist guide. Even if our focus will be on the local music and the everyday life in Prague, you will find some small things that’s outside our normal supply. So stay in touch, we promise to update the blog in a very regular irregular way! 🙂 
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If you get the opportunity, go for it!
Sometimes it doesn’t take that much, “just” three professional guitarists, a small club and a very good feeling. The result? An unforgettable...
And the winner is: The funicular on Petřín, again!
For the second year in a row, the cable car that leads up to Petřín hill was the most visited tourist  attraction in Prague 2022, just like the year before....
Noc kostelů, Night of Churches 3-4.6. 2023
 If your in Prague or in the Czech Republic next weekend and your in to churches, you are in for a little different treat. It’s time for the yearly...
Jazz na střeše v letních vedrech!
Roof top jazz!
The summer started in many way’s last weekend in Prague. A good sign of the summer was the return of the Roof Top Jazz. A relaxed and very enjoyable...