A little unusual insert for yhalinen.com, especially since this is not really news anymore, but so what? 🙂 And most of the pictures has already been published on our FB page, but so what? 🙂 This are memories of one of the best, if not the best Blues festival in Europe. For us who where lucky enough to take part of this event, the photo galleries serve as a dear memory, for you who didn’t, take a look and maybe we will meet in Suwalki next year? 🙂 So use the link bellow or go to our photo galerie page to have a look. Yes there are a few shots of the stars but mostly I’ve been trying to capture the small bands and the people/audience that to me are the heart of this festival, actually of any festival. If you look at the photo’s and understand what I mean, I’ve done a good job, if you don’t, well I try better next year.
From here you go straight to the Suwalki Blues Special photo galleries. Â