A Night in 12 bars

Ondřej Žlábek and his Harpriders

U Staré Paní (The Old Lady) jazz club had turned out to be a blues cave last Friday when  Ondřej Žlábek and his Harpriders took to the stage. And in what way! If anyone had any doubts about what was to come, they evaporated to the first beats of Little Walter, after that it was just ‘hold on to your hat’. The intensity in which the music was served to us was, I think the right word would be breathtaking, and that’s an understatement. It was back to the roots of Chicago, and when it’s served in this way, it just can’t go wrong.

Misleading name

As one can deduce by the name we heard a lot of good harp playing, but the name doesn’t tell the whole truth. On stage were four skillful individuals that mastered their instruments in a professional way, without getting boring though, and when the cooperation was 100%, these guys played together before, all that was left for us in the audience was to enjoy the music and give thanks at the end of the evening. So put the name in your notebook because if you ever run into them, you don’t want to make the mistake and miss the show. 
  • Ondra Žlábek-Harp
  • Jiří Maršíček-Guitar
  • Honza Svorník-Bass
  • Marcus Jurkovič-Drums

 Ok, I confess, I have made this mistake before, I promise I’ll improve myself, believe me I feel really ashamed. 🙁  What? None of the above would work if there wasn’t a mixer in charge of the sound, he/she is the heart of the band and I can’t find his name anywhere, I’m sorry! 🙁  

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