Roman Pokorný Jazz Trio
Prague calling Saturday afternoon? Take a break, rest your feet and treat yourself to some very good music and an even more relaxing atmosphere, and why not a few drinks and something to eat at the same time. The summer continues on the roof at Jazzdock, this time with one of the Czech Republic’s grand old men when it comes to blues & jazz, Roman Pokorný -g. with, Taras Voloshchuk – b; Jiří Slavíček – dr. You can’t really go wrong here if you’re into good music. And a little different memory to take home from your trip to the Czech capital. The show starts at 15.00, goes on for about three hours, just the perfect time to get ready for the evening. The price of the ticket is a joke, 250 CZK, when I’m writing this there’s still some for sale @, go for it! The picture’s are from 2022, come back here after Saturday (a day or two) and you’ll have some fresh one’s, along with a small blog of the happening. And no, I don’t get paid to do this, these are my pages and I have no sponsors = no one tells me what to write or what to do! This is only a hint for you to experience something above the normal tourist attractions. See you Saturday…