Ice Age conquers Prague…

And it's huge!

First time ever in the Republic what comes to size and material used. If you’re in Prague before the 15th of April 2024 you have a unique chance to experience the art of ice sculptures in a way that has not been seen in the country before. And if you brought your children with you then this is not an opportunity, it’s mandatory. 
In the park Riegrové sady in Vinohrady the organizers built a 300 m2 refrigerator that holds a steady temperature of -5C, remember the clothing! They filled it up with 180 ton colorful ice, imported from Poland! Then they put in 26 carvers and their assistants, the results took a good month and now you have the chance to see what they accomplished. 

Step into the world of fairy tales

The exhibition goes under the name Ice Magic and the artistic responsibility was given to the artist carver Adam Bakoš, one of the best in the world in this line of work. When you step into the refrigerator it’s really like entering a world of fairy tales, the whole fridge is full of known and not so known animated film and cartoon characters, starting with the big mammoth from the movie Ice Age, 4m.high and with a weight of over 20 tons it’s quite impressive. And as you can guess, the kids love it! 🙂 Even if I personally got the impression that the old fashioned ice slide got the biggest attention from the small one’s 🙂 What makes this exhibition little outstanding compared to many others is the use of colors, and this is only my personal opinion. You not only step into a world of fairy tales but also to a world of colors, if it weren’t for the cold, one could never guess the material. 

Full value for your money

After closing on the 15th of April it will take two more weeks for the whole exhibition just to melt, some colorful streams to be followed one can imagine. 😉  
Since the park Riegrové sady is located very high in the terrain of Prague the view over the town is also impressive, so why not try and get full value for your money and adjust your visit to the Ice Magic with the sunset! Keep in mind though that the amount of visitors is limited to 45 persons to be inside the exhibition at the same time. And again, one more little different tourist attraction!

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