An evening of improvisations!

This is high class...

Prague’s Old Lady had musicians on stage last night that I have the greatest respect for, and I really appreciate and enjoy their professional skills that brought me and many others great joy many times and yet…. When the gig starts with the words “we don’t have a set list”, that makes me very cautious because normally this means long breaks between the songs, and “who’s turn to take the solo”, “what shall we do now” and so on…  I’m sure happy I don’t own a hat since I would have digestion problems today. 
Singer Petra Vlková, guitarist Libor Šmoldas and pianist Mikuláš Pokorný and not to be forgotten, sound engineer Jan Vaněk (who must have had a very interesting night 🙂 ) gave us a night of musical improvisation that all one can say is WOW! It’s so easy when you know how, and they did! 

When three becomes one

I have no idea what’s the story behind this trio, there always is. But somebody had a brain wave that put these three sensitive and skillful instruments on the stage at the same time. The synergy we experienced last night is what separates the wheat from the chaff, this is really when three becomes one. And on top of that, this was also great entertainment, we in the audience were not the only ones enjoying ourselves, you could see, feel, hear the pleasure the band had among themself, that was our small bonus, not that we needed one but… 🙂  I hope this “project” goes a little further, it has all potential to do something very special. They will be performing in the same place 23.5.2024, I and many others from last night will be there then, I suggest that you do the same… 🙂  

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