Your musical hints for February
(updated 28.1.)

Where to go and who to listen to...

Prague is full of good music, no matter what time of the year! I’ll give you a few hints about where to go if you’re lost in the surplus of what Prague has to offer, what to do in February. The city of course offers so much more, but just as a small guide, and this is very, very subjective information but since I only like good or very good music you should maybe give it a try 😉. I also conecratate very much on the local bands/artists, as many of you already know, that of course doesn’t always mean that they are Czech, but local and good, yes! 😊  Below is a small photo gallery on where to go and who to see, so keep the address for this site in a good place, for the next month you’ll have new information as we get there…  If you want to have a small knowledge about the clubs in question you can get it HERE… 

Roman Pokorný & Jazz’n Blues Chamber, This man doesn’t need any introduction…
U Malého Glena
, Thursday 6.2 @20:00

Darren Heinrich Organ Trio, More music from Australia, with our local’s Jesse Simpson (dr.) and Libor Šmoldas (g.) 
Ateliér 57, Sunday 9.2. @19.00

Five Rivers Blues Band, I don’t know anything about this band, but at least Jimi Hendrix on the playlist so… 😀
Jazz Dock, Monday 10.2. @20.00

Luboš Soukup Q feat. Petr Zelenka (g.), The saxophone you can hear all the way to Copenhagen with a special guest…
U Malého Glena, Saturday  15.2. @20.00

Jana Koubková Quartet This legendary Czech singer will be a new experience to me… Jana Koubková – voc; Ondřej Kabrna – p; Vítek Švec – bass; Jan Červenka dr.

Jazz Dock 16.2 @20.00

No pictures yes… 🎷🎸🪕🎻🥁

Jan Kyncl (sax) & Mikuláš Pokorný (p), From this duo I only know the brilliant pianist, so some new terrain…
U Staré Paní, Monday 17.2. @20.00

Libor Šmoldas duo feat. Martin Hrubec, Libor with guest, you can’t go wrong…
U Staré paní, Wednesday  26.2. @20.00

Jamie Marshall’s Amplified Acoustic Band, The perfect start for the weekend!
Jazz Dock, Friday  28.2. @22.00

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