Way to go!

Luboš Soukup STANDARD Q @ U Malého Glena 17.1

What a refreshing evening. 😀 Last night I stept out of the box a little and went to U Malého Glena for a session of modern jazz. Being a bit careful I took the safe approach and proceeded to this for me relatively new music form with a established band and musicians, Luboš Soukup STANDARD Q, Luboš Soukup (sax.), Petr Dvorský (b.), Jiří Levíček (p.), Jakub Švejnar (dr.). I’ve made many mistakes in my life but yesterday was not one of them, on the contrary. An evening full of emotions, the joy of playing, unbelievably inspiring music combined with the personal skill of each member of the band made this a night to remember, being that a cliche or not!  
Jakub with his rhythm section showed us that the drums are only one part of the wholeness, Jiří and his piano makes you wonder why a concert pianist is playing jazz and at the same time your more then happy about it that he does, if there’s a woman in Petr’s life she must be terribly jealous of the way he handles that bass, and Luboš, bandleader, compuser, multi instrumentalist, there’s a reason why he is an award-winning saxophonist…        
The two set concert included some standards played a little different from what one is used to hearing, of course, since all the band members have the talent to do that, and without getting into the jungle of details, it was goooood! And yet the highlight of the evening was Luboš own compositions, skillfully and well-balanced tunes, sometimes also very humorous, they got one’s attention because you had the feeling he was playing only for you. Luboš has been a very active composer, like he said himself, he’s very productive when it comes to songwriting, according to himself he only has problems with the title of the tune, sometimes it can take him hours to come up with something acceptable. 😀  I could have spent the whole evening listening just to his own material, but this again is only my subjective opinion. Alltoghter, if you see any of these names somewhere, go for it, even if you don’t for some reason like the music itself, just to experience the high level performance is worth it! 🙏🙏🙏      

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