Nick Haywood Trio @ Jazz Dock 12.1
When three friends meet up, three friends who are all individually world class musicians, Nick Haywood – b; Libor Šmoldas – g; Jesse Simpson – dr., three friends who all also own the mastery of composing and most of all, three friends who have the joy and passion to play together as well as to the public, then you really want to be there when this takes place. I was,
along with a nearly full Jazzdock, and if Nick and his friends enjoyed themselves, so did we!

It was like following three small boy’s who just got their weekly candy dose. Nick with the devotion for his bass, dancing, slapping, giving us solos that could stand up to anybody, Libor with his Stromberg was not far behind, with a big smile producing licks that I think his colleagues didn’t all the time really expect and Jesse on the drums, disappearing every once and awhile to a place far away from her, “Hallo, earth calling”, at least that’s what it looked and sounded like. And us below the stage just consuming everything that was served.
With the exception of two songs we were honored with a set list of original compositions from the members of this fabulous trio. A two hour, two set concert that was rewarded with an encore will get us all back the next time this trio is due to perform, I have no doubt about that, but there’s the problem…
This trio have performed before, and I’m sure they will do so in the future also, but way too seldom. This mixture is something worth developing and taking a little further, that’s how good this sounded. Even in the relatively small world called jazz this could work out to be something, something… And a good start would of course be more gigs, and I’ll be there, like most of the crowd from yesterday! This was just a perfect ending to the week! Thank you Nick Haywood Trio