Skip Wilkins with friends @ Atelier 57

What a night...

2x Wilkins, 1x “Kaštan” Baroš and 1x J.Simpson (Skip Wilkins (piano), Dan Wilkins (saxophone), Tomáš “Kaštan” Baroš (bass), Jesse Simpson (drums)) that’s what it takes to make a successful night. This quartet finished their four gig mini European tour @ Atelier 57 last night. This was again a night of laid back, relaxed, skillful and very joyful sound of music 😉 . Nothing else to expect of course when four full-blooded pros get together, and yet it surprises me every time, if nothing else then the way they make it sound and look so easy, and they are having fun together also! One could tell that you were in for a treat straight from the start when the first chords to “Brother, Can You Spare Me a Dime”, this quite serious tune took a tight hold of an almost sold out Atelier, a tight hold it didn’t let go for the rest of the night. Nothing more to say than, Thank You and hope to see you soon… 🙂 For those of you who have not yet found the best jazz club in Prague, the one in Beroun, you still have a chance. This little exclusieve and original center for high class music holds live performances only onces a month, so two more concerts to attend this year. The next one is due to 17.11 19.00. Before that we live in the memories of yesterday’ atmosphere. 🙂

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