Libor Šmoldas duo feat.Jakub Duša @ U Staré paní 10.3.2025
Libor Šmoldas Duo series continued last night at U Staré paní (The Old Lady) when Libor got guitarist and teacher Jakub Duša as a guest. Jakub, a professional musician and music teacher, was a totally new name for me, again! He turned out to be a more than worthy associate to Libor for the last night session. When you teach and play professionally it’s presumably that one’s basics what comes to technical and musical understanding is in place, and it was. Add a very relaxing and down-to-earth approach to the playing and you’ll understand that Libor and Jakub had no problem to spend the night together, with or without us in the audience. The whole concert was just so easy and enjoyable that one could have hoped for.
Libor has an extremely good touch when he time after time comes up with these musical virtuosos from which for example Jakub surley was one. I understand why, with the skills Libor himself possesses, you want a little challenge for a setup like this, fully understandable. But I’ve often wondered where he draws them from, and continually! Not that I’m complaining, I’m only enjoying myself but still…
Last night I had a little hint about it when beside me at the Old Lady sat one of Jakub’s students Adam. I just had to ask him if Jakub was a good teacher. If even half of the words of praise I got as an answer is true, then I’m slowly starting to understand where the endless well is to find these musical miracles.
And I will not be surprised if I see Adam as one of Libor guests one day. I don’t know anything about this young man’s skills, but after the small talk we had, I know he got the right attitude for it.

You have a chance to check out the future and past of Czech jazz musicians in this very same place, U Staré paní, on Thursday 13.3 when Libors Jam Ob-Session kicks off @ 20.00. Rumors have that another of these endless lines of Czech guitar genius will be in place, Martin Hrubec, who amongst others was Libors guest at the Old Lady last month. Read more about that session HERE!
So if you want to treat yourself with some high class music, because you’re worth it, you know where to go!